I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering at Nanjing University in China. In 2013, I moved to the U.S. and received my Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at UC, Irvine. My Ph.D. work focuses on emotional memory using intracranial EEG, which is co-advised by Dr. Jack Lin and Dr. Robert Knight. During my postdoc at Boston Children’s Hospital, I received training in human single-neuron recording co-advised by Dr. Gabriel Kreiman and Dr. Ueli Rutishauser. I discovered neurons in the human brain that respond to cognitive boundaries and help construct discrete mnemonic episodes from continuous experience. In 2024, I started my lab at UC Davis, aiming to continue investigating the human memory system and inspiring the development of therapeutic interventions for memory-related disorders.

CONTACT ME: jzjzheng at ucdavis.edu

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I have my own J-CREW! With my husband Jue, daughter Jasmine, son Jasper, and the outliner Angie. :)